You don’t mind if I fuck your friend, right?

  • 123458
  • 27:13
  • 166

Although she had her husband’s permission, she wanted to ask him again to be sure. So while her friend was touching her breasts and maintaining a visible erection, she turned to her husband to ask him again, and he responded affirmatively. Actually, he wanted to see someone else fuck her, and since they were better off, it might as well be a friend of his than a stranger. After getting the go-ahead, the woman began to undress him until she had his cock within reach to suck it. Meanwhile, her husband watched excitedly; it was the first time he saw his wife eating another guy’s cock, and it turned him on.
After a while, both the mature woman and he were completely naked, and she got on top of his rod to be penetrated, he put it all the way in. Her husband remained quietly seated, biting his lips while watching her get fucked; he was definitely better at it. At the end of the fuck session, her friend came in his wife’s mouth.

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