While waiting for my friend, I fucked his mother

  • 414441
  • 06:12
  • 373

I went to look for my friend and stayed there for a while since he hadn’t arrived yet. I started playing a game, and his mother attended to me very kindly, offering me something to snack on, so I decided to keep waiting. But what happened next was something that surprised the boy and marked him for life. The mother of his best friend, that mature woman everyone was crazy about, pounced on him and started kissing him. It was clear that the woman liked young guys, and it was quite likely that this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.
After kissing, she got up, undressed, and put her crotch in the boy’s mouth for him to eat her out and perform cunnilingus on her.
Then the woman gave him a brief blowjob, and they ended up having sex on the couch, risking getting caught by the woman’s son when he arrived.







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