This is how he wanted to collect from this woman in her forties

  • 157066
  • 26:47
  • 171

If there was something remarkable about this beautiful woman in her forties, it was precisely her big tits. That detail never goes unnoticed by any man, much less by him who usually spent time with the mature woman. On this occasion, he went to the woman’s house to collect some bills, but it was the perfect opportunity to go a little further. He started to touch her, and the milf felt somewhat uncomfortable, she did not expect that reaction from that guy. He touched her breasts, her legs… she actually tried to resist at first, but in reality, she wanted it.
Soon, he pulled her closer and took off the top part of her clothing to see her big tits. She was still playing hard to get, but when he touched her pussy, he saw that she was very wet… the slut was even hornier than he was.
He began to masturbate her, and shortly after, he was fucking her on the sofa, the little slut was getting a taste for this improvised sex. However, he finished on her big tits, and she didn’t seem to like that very much, she probably would have preferred to have the cum inside her pussy.

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