Shouldn’t you be in bed with my father?

  • 141426
  • 12:35
  • 132

When he woke up, he opened his eyes and saw that his stepmother was in his bed, that is, his father’s wife. The bitch had lay there while he was still asleep, maybe to watch him or maybe waiting for him to wake up. The boy, as expected, asked her what she was doing there, she should be lying in the other bed with his father. However, the mature woman was there with him, and it was not by chance. She started touching his chest until she went down to his package, making it clear that she wanted to fuck him. You know, a hot mature woman like her always prefers a young hard cock over a rather flaccid one from an old man like the boy’s father.
So the boy didn’t even think twice and fucked his stepmother in his own bed, enjoying her big tits and her stunning body; of course, his father had chosen well, both for how hot she was and for how slutty she was.

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