My Sister-in-Law and I Fucked at Her House

  • 228690
  • 21:43
  • 171

I had gone to spend a few days at my brother’s house, who lived there with his wife. But of course, while she was doing the house chores I was bored, and an idea came to my mind. If that mature slut was screwing my brother, maybe she would do it with me too. I grabbed her hands and proposed it to her, and apparently, the very tramp wanted it even more than I did. We cheated on my brother and I don’t regret it, since screwing my sister-in-law was something I had been wanting for too long. At first, she started sucking my dick, and later she stripped so I could penetrate her while she sat on my cock. Then I fucked her over the ironing board, and we kept doing it until I finally came in her mouth. According to her, I fuck much better than my brother.

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