Mother fucked by her own son, and in the end, she liked it

  • 528911
  • 22:55
  • 655

While she was on the phone, something happened that left her stunned: her son appeared from behind, grabbing and even undressing her. She couldn’t believe it; at first, she even doubted it was him. But the boy was horny and had finally decided to try to have sex with his mother. Knowing that if he asked, she would always say no, he decided on a method that is not recommended at all and that you should never use—he surprised her.
He tore her clothes off and undressed her, but soon the mature woman realized that it was turning her on. She hadn’t had sex for a long time, specifically since her divorce. So she took advantage of the opportunity and started sucking her son’s cock, mentally waiting for the moment of penetration.
When he finally entered her, the mature woman couldn’t stop moaning; she knew it was her son fucking her, and that was precisely what made the slut cum quickly.

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