It is his house and he has the right to fuck his son

  • 20099
  • 15:55
  • 22

Some things have changed since the world was a normal place to live. There were clear rules and everyone took their role in society with great respect. You had to do what you had to do and no one wanted to be what you shouldn’t be. However, now everything has lost its way. That’s why this mother has to assert her right. It’s her house and what she says is done there, that’s why she has the right to fuck her son. She pays all the debts and then he has to thank her. It can’t be any other way than putting his cock in the slut’s mouth and letting her give a blowjob. After he has it hard, he then has to penetrate the old woman’s pussy so she can have orgasms. Because he is the only man in the house and he has to do it.


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