His stepmother got very angry with him

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That his busty stepmother turned him on was no secret, but he didn’t expect her to do what she did. While she was looking at one of her shoes, her stepson appeared from behind and lifted her skirt; she screamed very indignantly for being such a pig. She asked him who he thought he was to do that to her, but the boy didn’t care much and lifted her skirt again. The woman was in disbelief; she was really furious. She started yelling and insulting him, but the boy grabbed her and took her to the living room, throwing her onto the couch. She asked him what he was doing, but before she knew it, he was touching her pussy. She tried to push him away, but it was in vain, as after his hand, it was his tongue that licked her entire vagina.
All this, for a housewife like her, married to a much older man, was actually quite arousing despite wanting to give the image of a tough woman. But feeling her stepson’s mouth on her wet pussy left the woman completely disarmed; she liked it. The mature woman was really hot, and realizing this, the guy put his cock in her mouth. Shortly after, they were both naked on the same couch, and the slut was getting on his cock to be penetrated.
Of course, they fucked until the guy came in his stepmother’s mouth, the same mouth she usually kisses his father with.

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