His neighbor was a married woman, but they didn’t care

  • 125071
  • 26:43
  • 185

He was coming back from a run when he stopped to look at the window of his neighbor’s house and saw her there. She was a mature, married woman, but very provocative. Her husband was at home, but he didn’t pay much attention to her. When she saw that her young neighbor was looking at her with desire, she started showing her breasts from the window. The boy started getting aroused and invited her to come down. He couldn’t go up because her husband was there, but as soon as the woman came down, the boy started kissing and touching her. She kept looking to see if her husband would catch them, she was very nervous but also excited. She suggested going somewhere else and they went to the young man’s house. There he undressed her and fucked her like her husband never did, treating her like a lady and a whore.
At the end of the fuck session, it was her husband who called her on the phone, but she managed to hide and lie quite well.

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