His mother was very affectionate that night

  • 1067218
  • 19:05
  • 1601

His 37-year-old mother becomes excessively affectionate when she has had a few glasses of wine. Since the divorce, she has been a bit lost; she still has a strong desire to have sex but can’t find a dick that completely satisfies her, literally. However, the mature woman has a trump card she is not willing to reject, which is none other than her own 19-year-old son. At home, she always walks around without panties, so the boy is more than used to seeing her with her pussy exposed. And she’s always spreading her legs, something that undoubtedly she does with the intention of arousing him.
But if she sees that the boy is not interested, she does as in this video: she crawls like a slut looking for his cock, takes it out, and puts it in her mouth. After a brief blowjob, she always gets what she wants, which is nothing other than her beloved son’s dick inside her wet vagina.

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