His mother was sleeping and he stuck his dick inside her vagina

  • 1158372
  • 14:54
  • 1056

Her 19-year-old son did something no boy should ever do, he penetrated his mother while she was sleeping. Although he started recording a while after beginning, we know that first he entered her room and then, after getting really horny looking at her, he took off her panties and started playing with her pussy. You can see the excitement of a young guy touching the mature pussy of his own mother knowing that, if nothing goes wrong, he was going to penetrate her immediately.
Still, he first started masturbating on top of her, he even grabbed one of her hands so she would hold his cock. But nothing was enough, he needed to stick it in, and finally, he did.
His mother did not wake up; apparently, she was completely drunk, and her sleep was really deep. After a few thrusts inside his mother’s vagina, he finally went to cum, but it’s surprising to see this guy’s cold blood as he ejaculated inside his own mother’s mouth without any fear of being discovered.

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