He Dreamed of Having Sex with His University Professor

  • 96055
  • 15:04
  • 104

Sometimes dreams come true, and for this young university student, his dream was to have sex with his professor. That day during a tutorial session he went to see her, he used to go often. He wanted to ask her some things but also take the opportunity to see her up close, she realized what he really desired. She started showing him her tits as she approached the boy, he looked very shy. After a while, he started touching them, he couldn’t believe it, what big tits that slut had. He took out his cock, and she sucked it. Soon after, the mature woman undressed and got on the table showing him her huge ass so he could fuck her, he thrust it deep into her vagina. Then the slut got on top of him, and later she took him doggy style in the office. These things are much more common than people usually imagine.

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