Fucks his sister-in-law in the ass, comes inside

  • 274811
  • 06:15
  • 232

Taking advantage of the fact that his brother had left the house, he decided to approach his sister-in-law. She was lying on the couch with her laptop, but he was too aroused to let this opportunity slip away. The fact that she was his brother’s wife might deter anyone else (or maybe not), but for this twisted pervert, it not only didn’t deter him, it actually turned him on even more.
He approached her, closed her laptop, kissed her, and began undressing her. Before realizing it, she was already naked and her ass was more than ready for what her dear brother-in-law was going to do to her.
The man didn’t even glance at her pussy; he went straight to penetrate her anus. He fucked her directly in the ass without stopping until he finally came, of course, inside her ass.


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