Drunken married mature woman fucks her neighbor

  • 187765
  • 29:01
  • 161

This woman’s husband often travels, which makes her bored. That’s why she sometimes invites her neighbor for drinks. What usually happens is that after having a few drinks and getting excited thanks to the alcohol, they both get quite hot. In fact, if she invites her neighbor, it’s solely and exclusively to have sex with him.
The man knows this, and that’s why once he sees her smiling excessively, he stands up and pulls out his cock. The woman isn’t surprised and starts sucking it.
They’ve drunk so much that they even end up peeing while naked. First, she takes a good pee, and after seeing it, the man ends up peeing on the slut.
After that, they played for a while and ended up fucking. But by the end of the video, the woman felt quite bad, to the point where she even ended up vomiting.




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