Don’t You Plan to Undress Me?

  • 131243
  • 12:55
  • 126

Her stepson was staying in a hotel when she appeared with a suitcase. She had argued with the boy’s father and wanted to unwind, so she went to see him and talk to him. As soon as she entered, she began to scold him, telling him that he had clothes lying everywhere, which was true. But what she did next the boy would never forget. She stared at him saying that she wanted him to undress her; the boy didn’t even dare look at her. Finally, she started touching his package, and he felt quite uncomfortable, but when he realized it, the woman had already taken off his pants and was jerking off his cock and sucking it. It all happened very quickly; his stepmother got on top of him and pushed his cock deep into her vagina while bouncing to feel it well.
She had managed to get the boy very hot, who threw her on the couch and continued fucking her until he finally came in her mouth, something they would never forget.

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