Do you trust your mother or not?

  • 205075
  • 31:47
  • 263

Both a son and a daughter should always trust their mother. Her love is supposed to be infinite and she always wants the best for her children, even though it’s sometimes hard to understand. When her mother came home from work, she saw her lying on the sofa listening to music and gave her a good scolding; her daughter was quite lazy. She then sat next to her but when she saw her, her expression suddenly changed. What she did next was to grab one of her hands and place it on her chest, to her daughter’s astonishment. She certainly didn’t expect that and didn’t know what she intended. But when she leaned in to kiss her, her face showed even more surprise; it was clear her mother wanted to have sex with her.
Yes, the girl trusted her mother, which is why she did as she was asked and undressed. She certainly didn’t regret it, as shortly after, her mother was eating her out in a way no one else ever had. Then she did the same to her busty mom, until finally the two whores reached a brutal orgasm.

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