Catches Her Nephew Jerking Off and This Happens

  • 93418
  • 19:30
  • 81

He was alone at his aunt’s house and took the opportunity to have a good wank in front of his computer, as many of us do. What he didn’t expect was that the woman was returning and saw him through the window. She peeked in and saw him there with his cock in his hand, jerking it, so she decided to go inside. Once there, she went to see him, and the boy tried to cover himself as quickly as he could, but she approached him, calming him down and telling him that it was no big deal. But at the same time, she added that it would always be better for him to masturbate watching a real woman rather than porn videos on the internet. This is how the slut began to undress and showed him a surprisingly sexy lingerie. Right after, she started to suck his cock, and as expected, they ended up fucking right there. Of course, their aunt and nephew relationship changed radically from that day on.

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