Came inside his Russian mother, what a slut

  • 488666
  • 13:57
  • 410

The story of this mother and her son, both Russians, is more than incestuous. Since the boy came of age, his mother had been initiating him into sex, something that, of course, the young man loved. First, she would tell him to masturbate while watching her, something he did often. But later, they ended up having sex, as this porn video demonstrates.
They had started like many other times, him masturbating while watching his naked mother. But then she sat down and he began to touch her vagina, and he noticed that she was very wet. It was clear that she desired to fuck, and he would fulfill her like a man. So, while she was on all fours, he grabbed her big ass and penetrated her vagina.
Then the mother sat back down for him to continue fucking her properly. Her legs wide open and her son inside her. However, the boy couldn’t control himself and couldn’t help it, he came inside her. After pulling out his cock, he had left all his semen, his seed inside his own mother.


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