At 78, she still knows how to seduce a young man

  • 238370
  • 12:10
  • 300

He was her daughter’s ex-husband, but the old woman didn’t care. He came by to see his ex-wife, but she wasn’t home. However, the old woman treated him too kindly… maybe much better than he deserved. The man said he was going to grab some clothes he had in the room and took the opportunity to change, but it was the old woman who also took her chance.
At 78 years old, no one could suspect she was such a slut, but she sure was. She walked in and stared at him while he was changing clothes. Soon she threw him on the bed and started undressing. That old woman thought she was 20 years old because of the way she behaved; it seemed unbelievable that she was almost 80.
She managed to seduce that man without much trouble, who certainly could have been her son by the age difference, maybe even her grandson.
They both had sex in the ex-wife’s room. The old woman didn’t care much about screwing her daughter’s ex, and doing it in her own bed, such a whore.


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